Call for Papers
84th Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History
“Global War: Historical Perspectives”
March 30-April 2, 2017
Jacksonville, FL
The Society for Military History is pleased to call for papers for its 84th Annual Meeting, hosted by the Institute on World War II and the Human Experience, Department of History, Florida State University.
“Global War: Historical Perspectives”
How do military historians understand the nature of warfare? Are such concepts as total, limited, asymmetric, and guerilla warfare useful categories of analysis? Can the study of war ever escape the boundaries of national history and become transnational? Given the ongoing scholarly and public interest in the centenary of the First World War, especially within Europe and British Commonwealth, the program committee encourage contributions focusing on the globalization of warfare both in the modern and pre-modern eras.
For the 2017 SMH meeting, the program committee will consider paper and panel proposals on all aspects of military history, while especially encouraging submissions that reflect on this theme.
Panel proposals must include a panel title (along with the full names and institutional affiliations of each participant and the full title of each paper), a one-page abstract summarizing the theme of the panel, a one-page abstract for each paper proposed, and a one-page curriculum vitae for each panelist (including the chair and commentator), with email addresses and other contact information provided for all participants. Submissions of pre-organized panels are strongly encouraged and will be given preference in the selection process. Individual paper proposals are also welcome and must include a one-page abstract of the paper, one-page vita, and contact information, including email. If accepted, individual papers will be assigned by the program committee to an appropriate panel with a chair and commentator. All submissions should be sent in a single PDF document, which includes all elements (abstracts, CVs, and contact information). Submissions sent in different formats will not be accepted.
Poster proposals: The 84th annual meeting will feature a poster session to allow military historians (especially doctoral students) to share their research through visual materials. Proposals for single, individual presentations may be submitted as posters.
Participants may present one paper or poster, serve on a roundtable, or provide panel comments. They may not fill more than one of these roles during the conference, nor should they propose to do so to the Program Committee. Members who act as panel chairs for only one session may deliver a paper, serve on a roundtable, or offer comments in a different session. Members who serve as both the chair and commentator of a single session may not present in another session.
All proposals must be submitted electronically to the program committee by October 1, 2016. The address is All presenters, chairs, and commentators must be members of the Society for Military History by December 31, 2016.
The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville-Riverfront.